Sunday 10 March 2013

On Priorities

Sorry for the radio silence, there's been a bit of a standstill on the wedding front. 

Once we had the venues secured, we took a bit of a break. To be honest, I don't remember seriously discussing wedding details for about three weeks. It was nice. 

So, what have we done instead? A lot of work ... I've been working more than I usually do (cold and flu season not for the win, but it allows me to make more money) and Spencer's been doing some overtime and side jobs. We've celebrated birthdays and adopted a new furry monster! His name is Gizmo, and he's the perfect companion to our other dog Stout. On top of that, we've been focusing on self-improvement. Mostly physically, because there's nothing like the threat of having multiple cameras pointed at you and tons of people staring at you motivate you to get healthy!

That being said, I'm not totally vain, this is also about building a foundation of being healthy for our future family. 

So, what does this do with priorities? My priority is my life, not the wedding. The wedding is a fun (most of the time) puzzle slowly falling together, but it's not without it's stresses! So it's very important to me not to drive myself, or anyone around me, crazy with wedding business. In the end, no one will care about mine and Spencer's wedding more than us, and I don't expect them to drop everything for it. Therefore, I'm trying my best to focus on me, Spencer, our friends and family and work (and play!), and not let the wedding get in the way of that.

All this being said, this is just my opinion and how I'm trying to process all the changes coming up. Not meant to offend.

Does anyone else feel the same way that I do? Or is your wedding the be-all-and-end-all?

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